Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should I file a police officer complaint?

I was near the UCI campus and it was after 10PM. I pulled into an Albertsons parking lot because I felt safer there. The police officer who pulled me over hared me and kept questioning why I would not pull over on a dark street, and also when I could not check my blind spot because of his bright lights. He haring me about it, saying "I was protecting you" over and over again. I felt very unsafe around him and right after he pulled me over, he asked for my license and registration, etc, which I gave. I then asked him why I was pulled over and he would not tell me. Instead he just asked me many times why I would not pull over and made it seem like I was trying to get away from him when I clearly was going no more than 15 mph. He would not accept the fact that I felt Albertsons was a safer place to pull over. I repeatedly asked him why he pulled me over but he would not respond and instead attacked me with the same questions. It took me more than 10 requests to find out why I was being pulled over, and he did not tell me directly. Instead, he demanded "Why didn't you stop before those speed bumps on Arroyo. There's a stop sign." It was rude and I felt hared because it was an open ended question and to my knowledge, I did stop at the stop sign. He did not yell at me, but I genuinely felt hared and unsafe. I was fully cooperative throughout the whole procedure and did not once raise my voice. I think I said the word "sorry" for 50% of my conversation with him because I was so nervous he would use some form of abuse other than verbal like I had read about in police brutality articles. I normally do not cry, but was in tears at the end of the ordeal. Is it worth filing a complaint about this.

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