Thursday, August 18, 2011

Do you think Fred Flintstone is a cartoon version of Jackie Gleason/Ralph Kramden? He resembles him a lot?

Do you think Fred Flintstone's personality in the cartoon show The Flintstones was a lot like Jackie Gleason's character, Ralph Kramden. What do you think?

Should India be divided again?

India was once divided into India and Pakistan on religious ground due to the over ambicious polititians mainly Jinnah and Nehru. Now polititians are again working over time to divide the society into different caste of hinduism. is it time for the next division of India on caste basis

What are 3 dishes (can be entr�, main, dessert) to represent Sweden.?

This is for a project I'm working on...many answers are appreciated! The more the better! Thanks guys!

It is the sixth anniversary of #SL, who will eat the "CAKE" M. Linden or "ME"?

M Linden was supposed to give a birthday speech today at 9am SLT to celebrate Second Life 7th Birthday. Instead Philip Linden did another speech today because of a emergency of some sort (I WON'T TELL YOU!!! n�n�n�).

Which boy name fits with O'Donnell?

We are considering the following names if we have a boy: Miles, Kieran or Julian. The middle name will be Hugh (it's ped down from both father and grandfather). Which name do you think sounds best?

PLEASE tell me what this means (Someone who knows Spanish)?

You don't know how much work (effort) it cost me to get used to being without you, and now you come to me and surely you keep insisting that I will fall back into your arms again without caring about what happened and that I'll just start over fresh. My God help me please! Give me strength not to commit the same mistake again, please.

Why in English did we change Normandie to Normandy?

In English we changed Normandie to Normandy because that's how it sounded to us. Italy instead of Italia, and Spain instead of Espa�a came from medieval times. There were no standard spellings in English until relatively recently. Also, in medieval times, when words were borrowed, they were often inadvertently changed (as in common pronunciation), or intentionally changed (as an Anglicism). We could also be going by what other people call the country, but not the people themselves. For example, Japan got its name from a Chinese word; in Japanese it is called Nippon.

I am hating my life - I hate being tied down by my parents, being a teenage sucks?

As someone who left home at 18, let me tell you that believing that you "know it will be tough" is much different than how tough it is in reality. High school education jobs don't pay well. I barely survived. I gained fat because I couldn't afford good, nutritious food. I ate a lot of cheap fast food and ramen noodles. I didn't have a lot of fun because I had to report to that crappy, no-paying job 6 days a week. At 19 I joined the army. At 20 I went to war and got shot at a number of times. No matter how bad it is at home, it is never as bad as war. I would trade any day of Iraqi flea infested uniforms and sleeping in a sand foxhole for a week of my mom bitching at me. Try to realize that it can be worse than were you are. Good luck though, I hope you find happiness.

What do you guys think of my rap song / lyrics?

If it's written for a particular girl, she'll love it. But as far as lyricism goes, it was too simple. You used the same rhyme scheme throughout the rap. Try to switch it up and use 2 bar rhyming once in a while instead of doing 4 bar rhyming pattern for the whole thing. Also, be more creative with it. Use metaphors to describe your love for her, or describe her beauty and flatter her. It's still sweet, but don't just talk about how crazy you are for her

Does a DCF report on file rule out any future chance of adoption?

DCF reports, even when found unsubstantiated, stay on file. So I was Just curious if anyone knows whether a report on file could cause issues if you intend to adopt a child in the future.

I need to help him, what should I do?

Okay, so my best friend is very lovesick right now, and I'm really starting to get worried. So here's the situation: He's always been a happy guy, really content and sunny all the time, but then this new girl moved into our neighborhood. He thought she seemed interesting, and I think that he really wanted to know her. She and I became friends really quickly, so I basically acted as a device so the could meet each other, I knew it would make him happy. They became friends really quickly, I always kind of knew that he liked her. He would always talk to me about it, because I've always been his best friend, he told me that he really liked her but he had no idea what to do about it. I would try to give him advice about what to say and how to tell her, (because I'm a girl too), but he never carried through. He's a good-looking guy, I know a ton of girls at school are crushing on him, but this one girl that he really likes doesn't think of him in any other way but a friend. He's NEVER liked anyone before, not like this, at least. So recently the three of us went to see a movie, I had to leave early. I'm still not quiet sure what happened, but he told me that he'd kissed her. Randomly, just out of the blue. he couldn't control it. She got really upset, said she wasn't ready for that yet, and they haven't talked to each other in months. He's just beating himself up about it, been trying to call her to apologize. I don't think she sees him that way, but I keep hoping for his sake that things will change. Partly, I don't understand because once she told me that she thought he was cute. I though that meant she liked him, but that's not the way it looks. I know something is wrong with him, he's never acted like this. He'll barely eat, barely talk, he won't even smile. He has this look on his face whenever he sees her, it's like he's actually in physical pain or something. I need to help him get through this, he's hurting a lot and it's not healthy. He's gotten to the point where he doesn't care if she likes him back, he only wants things to go back to the way they were. Please please give me advice so I can help him, he needs my support but I don't know what to do. Thanks for reading all of that, and thank you in advance.

What do you think of this tattoo idea? opinions needed!?

I think its a wonderful idea! I know a few people who have gotten tribute tattoos and this sounds like one of the better ones.

What to do in Jekyll Island GA?

my boyfriend and I are going to Jekyll Island this weekend .. if anyone has been whats a good thing to do there??

Should women who cry falsely continue to remain annonymous?

I`m referring to the latest case of Jack Gillett. There have been over the last few years a number of high profile cases where the man in question has been found not guilty and the women accusers have been found to be fantasists or serial liars. The men they accuse are named but they continue to remain annonymous, is this right? I think is equal to, if not worse than murder.

Starbucks tea lattes?

I love the tea lattes from Starbucks!!! I used to be a big coffee drinker.. Now I don't drink as much coffee as I used to. Now, I alternate it with tea. I also used to drink tea before, but much more now. And the tea lattes from Starbucks are a treat to have! They have it in black, green, red, chai, etc. I was wondering if anyone here feels the same way and what's your favorite from Starbucks?

Supple the game?

does any one know wat its rated and if i should get it. i have the sims and i am addictted so is it like that

Best wetsuit? Wetsuit review site?

I'm trying to replace my old 3/2 wetsuit that I use for surfing and not sure exactly what to get. I'd like to read up on some reviews for wetsuits. Any suggestions?

Best food for Bently(Chihuahua)?

I need to know what to feed Bentley. I've tried Science Diet and Royal Canin he's still a puppy(B'day 2/12/09) he likes to eat the cats food but I don't think that is good for him can some one help me find a good food?

Could my roomie be gay?

Why not just ask him when he's drunk, he'll probably tell you the truth then and not get offended. Or don't ask him at all, but tell him that you support gays. He might come out to you. I think he is gay because straight guys really don't do the things he does. I mean I think he kinda told you when he said "I wanna be gay!", or that he tries to hug you alot. Even if you're likable, a straight guy isn't going to chase you down a street to hug you! Honestly, do you know any straight guys that would do the things he does?

King James Bible Believers did you Celebrate The Blessed Virgins?

The pagan traditions of Roman Catholicism still plagued the earth at that time, thank God we've shown it for the heretical cult that it is.

Can my employer cancel my health insurance without informing me about COBRA first?

I quit my job at the end of January (around the 27th), on good terms. It is now March 19, I just discovered that my insurance was cancelled on 3/1. I had always planned on continuing coverage through COBRA, but I never received any information on it. I called my former employer, Pearson VUE, who told me that they notify employees about COBRA through some 3rd party called "Benefit Concepts". They told me that COBRA information was sent to me yesterday. My question is very simple (I live in CA)...I would like to know if it is legal and/or common practice for an employer to terminate my insurance before I can sign up for COBRA? Shouldn't I have been notified? I understand that once I do sign on, coverage will be retroactive to 3/1, but if I need medical treatment tomorrow, why should I have to pay out of my own pocket and then get reimbursed? At the very least this is morally wrong, but I would like to know if Pearson has broken the law.

What is the real reason that Pat Croce left the Philadelphia 76ers?

He is the reason we made it to the finals back in 2001. I was 11 at the time and all that "business side" of basketball stuff didn't make much sense so I would appreciate it if someone could shed some light on this for me. I started pondering this issue after reading an article on this morning. Thanks!

What are your thoughts on Federer's recent comments in the press?

He made a comment that he's not really no.2, but either a grand slam champion or no.1 in the world. I found this comment arrogant at first, and wrote a harsh answer about it (responding to a question), but when I thought about it, he's just trying to pump himself up to try and get the no.1 back. I have been unfair to Federer in the past (mainly about some of his comments), and I was very wrong for doing it. He worked very hard to perfect his tennis skills and win all those major tournaments. The way he remains positive before, during and after matches is the reason he has remained at the top for so long. After his loss to Simon, he immediately put a positive spin on the match, to encourage himself for the next match - not many players are capable of doing that, but start to feel dejected. Also, the more I watch him the more I realize, that there has been no other player who has this combination of fluidity and winning tennis. Some players who have a fluid, beautiful style are not consistent winners. Federer combines beauty with power - a rare combo.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who should pay????????????

So we have to read this book for school and I was lik well obviously my parents rnt gunna go out and buy it for me so i got it for myself, but should they pay me back??

I'm thinking of going to Bournemouth university to study film, but am not too sure on the specifics?

I would contact the uni and chat to them. They are all very helpful about enrolment etc and Bournemouth Uni is considered to be one of the best for media related subjects, they have a vast media section with lots of resources.

Harry Potter question time..?

squib,nagini,slytherin,death eater,invisibility cloth,hogwarts,broom,portrait,sword,tri wizard,hogwarts head,

My yahoo id cannot join chat rooms, its btw its dash not underscore so plz help me.?

well, like i said, my yahoo id cannot join chat rooms., it give me this message > This request was refused., what can i do?

How do USA Conservatives explain that countries in Africa are so poor?

Leaders that care only about themselves and can set themselves up as the all powerful ruler of the Country, you know, kind of like the Libs are helping Obama do here.

Please please please help me!!?

HA I haven't taken Biology in years! Oh the memories! The first one is the Scientific Method(like the different steps) and I think the 3rd is all the different parts of the cell. Hope that helps a little!

How can I keep my mind at ease about my future?

I am a senior in high school, and college is just a few months away! At this point in time, I should be living it up, but I am not. I am worried, constantly worrying. I'm going to a second choice college, my first choice is out of state and no way can I afford it, and my parents want me to study medicine. My parents were immigrants, and I'm the first Vietnamese American to go to college. It's such a huge deal. I want to make them proud and I tried to force myself that being a doctor is my calling--it's not. I love them and they worked so hard, but I just don't want to live my life for them. My dream is to be a graphic novelist and/or voice actress, to travel the world, and live peacefully in Japan somewhere someday. But that's just it. It's just a dream. I've also been obsessing over my choice to be child free and already my mom is against the idea, saying I'll change my mind. She knows I am nervous with children. I'm not stupid enough to say that I will never, or absolutely. But the thing I would hate most is to give in to society pressure to have kids at a time when I don't want any and deeply regret it afterward. It makes me so depressed. I know I can and should live my own life, but I just can't bear the disappointment and criticism I will get for the way I want to live.

What should I photograph for observational drawing in my final for GCSE art?

For my title, I've chosen Fantastic Forms, Storytelling. I'm writing a story, with dragons, princesses, etc. I'm writing it in calligraphy, on a triptych I make, & the arty side will be images of lines & quotations from the story. Problem is, I have no idea what to take photos of for the prep for observational drawings. I can't exactly take a photo of a dragon, & i have no volunteers to dress up as characters so I can use them. Suggestions..?

Someone stole something....?

we just got a house and we didnt move in yet so everyday someone comes and steals something; which is really weird cuz are house is in a really good neighborhood. Like today they stole the trashcan; you know the big one that everyone has.... I dont know what to do; help plz give info i need serious help. i really appriciate it.

Can you suggest gay bars and clubs in Newcastle for me to bring my cousin?

My cousin is coming to visit me in Newcastle Upon Tyne for a while. I'd like to bring her out a few nights. She's gay...Can you suggest any places to go for a drink? She'll be with my boyf and I. Thanks

Getting him to be more romantic?

Every time he does something romantic make a HUGE deal about it, will let him know you really appreciate it. I like to consider myself a little bit of a romantic but I have a hard time with my current g/f because she acts like she doesn't appreciate it. then she complains I am not romantic lol, it works both ways

How soon to get another horse after losing one?

This past friday My Horse snowball fell.she was in her 20's. she couldn't get i got some pain MDS from vet early saturday morning gave her the MDS.then on sunday we used a backhoe to hoist her up she had no desire to move her back legs.or maybe she couldn't .the vet said they weren't broken she was just old and knew it was her time.So yesterday i had the vet put her down it was really sad.i have been crying off/on since yesterday.A friend called me today and said he has a horse that needs a good home.she's a spitting image of the one i just lost but much younger is it too soon to get another? I do want her but i am feeling guilty and very sad

Isn't hell judgement on an appointed day after resurrecting?

The dead in christ people or the living element of People at Christ coming has already been judged, we are not judged as to if we are going to hell or heaven because when we are born again we have already been judged, We have p from death unto life. The wicked judement day will be after the 1000 yrs. milliennium & you can find that in Rev. 20:11-15 Now God will judge nations before his second coming. Too many people look at judgement day as God getting everyone together & saying let's see, you go to heaven & you go to hell, But litlle do they know that a born again person has already been judge & we have p the test & God seals us with The Holy Ghost. So Judgement that you speak of will be judgement upon this earth, such as diasters, & not seeing who he send to hell or what. If someone is dead in the ground & they died a christian then their soul are in heaven, So why would God have to judge that soul to see if he will send it to heaven or hell.

Who do u think Zac Efron is dating?

I have heard that he is dating Vanessa. then i heard that he was dating Ashley. i also was told he and Niki Blonsky were a couple. Does anyone know who he really is dating?

Anyone know the name of this indian or sri lankan film?

I saw this film several years ago, it is about a young woman recruited by the tamil tigers to become a suicide bomber and tells the story of her journey from the recruitment stage through to the moment she decides not to detonate the bomb strapped to her body at the climax. Does anyone know the name of this film or the actress who played the lead role?

What does -is underlined, -s, or any regular note underlined mean in sheet music?

I am currently trying to teach myself how to play the accordion and the notes that are identifyed as base notes sometimes have these marking next to them and i dont know if they signify diminished 7ths or minor/major chords or what so i thought i would put it out there and see if anyone knew. thanks :D

Star if you miss Farrah Fawcett?

Farrah was such a beautiful, talented woman. She died the same day Michael Jackson died. June 25th, 2009.

Most creative Halloween costume?

I guess my most recent favorite would be the diaper wearing insane astronaut. We painted those white paint protective suits orange, made the patches based on a picture of a real orange astronaut suit, got some silver dryer vent tubing, duct taped a couple of cheap clear plastic bowls together and cut out holes for face, neck, etc., got some orange feather boa for trim, and a white baby blanket with glued sequins as a diaper. It was the year that astronaut was cheating with another astronaut and she put on diapers and drove for hours to "talk" with the other woman. Instead of pepper spray we carried silly string.

Question for muslim believers.....?

i live here ( Malaysia ) and am familiar with this case, had she gone and changed her religion on her PR card, none of this would have happened. Lina Joy is just seeking attention. causing problems and trying to disturb our peaceful balance between our 9% Christian minority and Muslim majority.

Is this boot ok for snowplay?

You know I wouldn't really reccomend that. Try something like this: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a its waterproof (its $45)

Is Islam really that much more violent and intolerant than Christianity?

Islam is not violent at all. The ignorant idiotss only know what they see on family guy and Fox news then decide to judge a humble religion by the crap they see on tv. People will never understand that Islam does not support killing of the innocent, no matter what, whether they are believers or not. It's not allowed to kill the innocent in islam, it's actually prohibited. More idiots would know that if they actually decided to look up real information about the religion. People think that just because of the small portion of mulsims that end up on fox news, decide to kill people and say that they killed for their religion that everyone else is like that. That is not the case. People will never understand that those dumb muslims that do that, are actually going against what their religion tells them to do. Don't believe that? go look in a Quran. Don't want to? That's why your ignorant because you decide to make umptions without reading actual info about the religion. but muslims just take the emotional abuse from people and cant walk down a street or through an airport without being stared at/examined by ignorant people. Islam = peace.

CHECK! PLZ! Is this a good acting resume?

Yes!! Your resume looks very profession and good. I mostly agree with the person above me except I won't put your age. Let them decide whether you can play a 15-year-old even if your 13. Don't include years either. You might want to put Dancing,and Acting cles on your Training. Otherwise, it looks very good! :)

Rate my yu-gi-oh deck any suggestions is accepted?

Cut your deck to 40, take out the banned cards, your deck is bad, its random, ueless cards like buster blader ad such, useless burns that do nt help you, COTH is limited, etc etc

Did you we really lose the Vietnam war?

We didn't lose it we just picked up our toys and came home. When the planes landed and our men who had been fighting over there, came home to disappointment and no one gave two hoots and a nickle about them. Beaten and worn as they were, they made it back. We should have never been there to start with. The protests were hard and heavy during this time. That is what the peace sign was all about. The march on Washington. Our boys went there to help but, you can't help people who do not want it. You see this going on right now overseas. I have seen too many who are giving up their lives for a cause that doesn't exist. When you go in to free a country the people of that country need to know how to maintain their freedom, but they don't. So it goes right back to were it was. Didn't that wall in Washington teach anyone anything. ?????????????????????

So I want to peirce my lip (10 points)?

I had my upper lip piercied befor it dont hurt. but to mak it hurt less painful hold ice on the inside and outside intell your lip goes numb. If you dont have a needel use a safty pin ( a large one ) makes it easyer to gett the ring in. make sure you clean everything very very well.

Replacing floor in front of fireplace.?

We are replacing the flooring in front of the fireplace. We had some kind of brick sheet material in front of it. It chipped. We wanted to replace with tile, but were told that we cannot put tile on particle board subfloor. Any suggestions. We are novice do-it-yourselfers and don't really know how to replace the particle board subfloor, so other suggestions would be appreciated. The area we are talking about is about 2 feet out from the fireplace, like the hearth area only. The rest of the floor in the living room is wood laminate.

What could this (recurring) dream possibly mean?

Don't Worry! Crazy dreams are normal, i've heard of a ton of dreams about raping family members, or even getting d by family members. It's NOT uous thoughts of yours, just your conscious running without your train of thought. You must be getting a lot into character, especially since you seem to have a lot of characters on your mind, nothing is affecting you, you are definitely normal! If you sleep late in the night it will set you to dream a bit more, but if you sleep on the early side you might get a better outcome. By the way, always fall asleep with good thoughts, it affects the way you dream.

Is there anybody out there that knows how to do an abstract?

It is too wide a topic. There are just too many cardiac diseases with multiple treatments for many of them.

Apakah jurusan interior design itu berprospek? Kl ya, di mana college atau univ yg plng bagus di lr ngr?

aku seringkali bingung antara pilih interior atau arsitek... masalahnya, sekarang udah terlanjur daftar interior... memang aku sengaja menghindari yg berbau hitung2an sih, setidaknya interior kn lbh sdkt hitung2nya drpd arsitek, aplg arsitek bs smp ga tidur kl ada project bsr.. tp yg jdi kekhawatiranku, apa interior itu emang berprospek bagus ya? pangsa pasarnya kan juga trgntg dr jurusan kita, sbnrny interior sm arsitek itu punya + n - sndr2... tp emang yg sesuai kira2 yg mana? aku suka design jg mslhnya... Kalau di Inodnesia katanya interiornya jelek, mangkanya aku cari yg di luar negeri... Kl di luar negeri akhirnya lbh better pilih yg mana? please help me guys... pilihan interior sm arsitek sm2 berprospek keliatannya.. gmn mnrt kalian?

Can anyone mark my essay and comment on it please?

I'm no teacher, so I don't know if I can really grade this, but I will say it certainly made an impact on me. Very persuasive, I'll be on the website in 1 minute!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do i legally have to show my recipt to the crypt-keeper posted at Wal-Mart's exit door?

If you did not know about the policy, you do not need to allow it. Refusal, however, will lead to the private property owner excluding you from the property so that further entry is tresping. I addition, if you are wrongfully detained and searched, your remedy is simply to recover your damages in a civil suit. As the usual judgment in such a claim is about $1.00, there is no point in doing it. Now that you know about the policy, however, your entry constitutes your consent and the private party can do anything with your consent

I just brought a gun into my house today. I am joining the NRA today.. WHY?

That guy is an idiot I wouldn't worry about him but the idea of owning a gun and joining the NRA is always a good idea as long as your a responsible citizen.

Should Councillor John Taylor come clean about his borstal days?

The rumour is that Cllr John Taylor was sent to borstal in the 60's for smashing his old school up. Is it the fact that only Labour politicians are allowed to have past convictions then. If we were talking about a BNP councillor then I am sure every layabout like Septic would shouting for their head.

How can i get smaller calve MUSCLES?????????

Jesus ******* christ, what the hell is wrong with some people. Having strong legs is a GOOD thing! I guess you could jam a knife into your lower vertebrates so you lose control of your lower body and have to use a wheelchair. That should atrophy them up nicely.

The following story is true. Guess which former pro player did it?

I have a good friend who has a brother who is a former Kentucky Wildcat and famous pro player. Can't use their real name until someone guesses. (will reveal their names)

Is this an improvement from my last attempt at this short piece? Opinions, please?

really good, i enjoyed reading this piece a lot more this time around, but there was a few typos i noticed.....nah, just kidding! Loved it, really good piece of drama, tension was good and it definitely made me want to read more of your work. I love time travel which this kinda hints at, and the fact of bodily possession is cool even though its been done a few times, but hey, i love this piece.

My eyebrows are overplucked and too pale, what's a good eyebrow pencil?

I used to love my lashes. They were almost too thick like Brooke Shields but I'd get them waxed and they were perfect. Well, for some reason, they have gotten too light. I think it's from using acne products with benzoil peroxide and the sun. All eyebrow pencils I've used look fake. I'm a natural blond. My hair is dark blond and my eyes are blue. I'm fair but do tan in the summer. My eyebrows should be a medium brown but are more like a dark blond. I've also done a HUGE no-no! I've been shaving my brows instead of getting them waxed due to laziness. I have to try to let them grow out which I hate. I hate all those little stray hairs but I need them to be all natural so they can be shaped. I'm afraid that my brows are permenately sparse now! What can I do? Also, how should you apply eyebrow pencil? And back to my original question, what is a GREAT brand? THANKS!

Will Spain be the weakest team to ever win the World Cup?

You know, if Spain had the ability to win the world cup, they wouldn't be considered "weak". The fact that everyone else "gets injured" or "sent off" just shows that those teams are even more undeserving of the win. Spain's been the cleanest team with the least fouls this tournament, and I say they're deserving of this win. If they could beat Germany in the Euros a mere 2 years ago, they can certainly repeat this feat. QUE VIVA ESPANA!

What say you to "The Moon Was Cloaked"?

It is interesting to look at Luna as a male defaced and disgraced, hiding in the shadows. A full partner and counterpoint to Sol, put out by an interloper, and so hiding his face. The forced shift from the feminine aspect gives a new perspective, as we see the Man in the Moon. My compliments on making us look at an eclipse reflecting different chemistry and dynamics.

My grandparents are Holocaust survivors, they wont talk about it at all, is this reasonable?

My family is Jewish, from German/Polish Jewish background. My grandmother and grandfather on my mother's side survived the concentration camps...They still have the numbers tattooed on their arms from Auschwitz, they lost all of their family members, but they have never talked about it to me or my siblings at all, hardly mentioned anything and won't ever go into any detail about any of their experiences. Although they're very loving and close to me and always have been. I've tried to ask them many times but they just avoid it. How can I get them to tell me their story? I feel it should be known and I would like to have a record of it. Or, Should I just not ask them again?

Should I take spanish or german?

I have taken an adv. course that i was asked by school to take. I have done that for a year and i am planning on meeting with my consular for my freshman year on the 11th. I have picked all my cles btw i am taking 3 adv.cles 2 of them honors other is bio. Is that too much? I am pretty smart but idk if it's too much for the first year. Anyways the cl i took was spanish we had a choice of spainish or french i picked spainish. I am doing alright in the cl i am just starting to like it because i finally got a tutor and starting to understand it more. The other option for high school is german! I think german sounds easy, and it would be something different to get get a job good or bad. So what do you think i should take spanish or german, why. And how am i going to take too many adv cles 4/5 (2 of them i dont have a choice, already put in them in middle school) and 3/4 honor cles?

Ok...I'm 14 and i think i want to become a movie director...what does it take to become one?

Well, b ecoming a movie director is hard work to do. First of all you go to film school. Think what you want the actors to do in the script and tell them the movements to go there and do that. Also, I'm almost an actor.

Why is it when a man hits a woman, it's abuse, but when a woman hits a man, it's her standing up for herself?

Violence is not the answer! under ANY cirstance. Men, women, it doesn't matter...there is always a better way to handle things.

Liberals. Are you sad that a federal judge ruled the mandate in obamacare unconstitutional?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is hedonism a bad thing?

hedonism is bad if it hurts others. you should be as happy as possible, but doing it at the expense of others is wrong. to a degree though, its fine. it all matters on where you draw the line

What should i do? were so different morally. help!?

my bf an i have been together going on 6 months. in the beginning we were a awesome couple. we were from different social levels but we clicked when we found out both of us cut ouselves. that fact was like our glue. we also clicked cuz i kept him outta trouble an he was like my dream guy. i had always wanted a bad guy on the outside but sweet guy on the inside. he was so bad but i loved it. he would skip cl and smoke weed or he would rebel an not do his homework. i loved his confidence. but that was then now all that gets on my nerves. i want him to stop smokin weed. he says he has but i can tell he still smokes. im also tired of all the PDA. i dont like gettin in trouble or really even being touched but he insists on kissin in the halls at school an huggin. an recently his started talkin bout since we gradutate in two weeks us movin in together. i was cool with it at first but ive thought bout it an i dont like the idea partially cuz i feel its wrong since we arent married an cause im the only one even tryin to find a job so we can live comfortably. when i told him i didnt wanna move in unless we were married he started talkin bout gettin married. then something told me to ask him a question bout me. the question was what happened to my sister? (she died in a car wreck when we were young) its a big deal for me. he didnt know. i asked him several other questions an he didnt know hardly any of them. that really bothered me. it got me thinkin wether or not hes in the relationship for me or is he just usin me? an another thing that bothers me is how he wants me to smoke with him. he knows i dont like it yet he wants me to try it an risk me gettin addicted. i feel like if someone really cares they wouldnt want me doin drugs. idk what to do. i feel the facts are tellin me to break up with him that i can do better but something else is tellin me to stay with him cuz God put us together for a reason. idk. i need some advice.

What PvP rotation should i be using now 4.0.1 is out for my ret pally? these new moves just confuseeeee meh.?

I really am kinda lackin on the pvp rotation for spells on a ret pally. i had it down from WOTLK and now its just garbage. and what should i be gemming for and what new stats should i be building up?


Solve using elimination. There are a total of 35 monkeys and orangutans in a primate habitat. The monkeys each eat 3 bannanas a day, and orangutans each eat 5 bananas a day. Each day, the monkeys and orangutans together eat a total of 125 bananas. How many monkeys and orangutans are in the habitat.

Calling all people that aren't from Ireland...?

I know what "What's the craic?" mean now... but.... ummm i'm confused! Learn me something!

How to i tell him i didnt mean what was being said?

If you didn't mean it, you shouldn't have done it :/ Tell him how sorry you are and ask for a second chance

Have you ever been seriously electrically shocked before?

this one time i touched an electric fence without knowing, and instantly i was in another world, hearing seeing different things

Does he likee me? Guys &&' Girls Comment Please!!? :) ?

This boy I knew since 1st grade, (we both have crushes on each other) but he has a gf.. On the otherhand, we txt and talk on the phone alot, we always have a qood laugh together and we qet FRIENDS.. but idk if I should try to get him to break up with his gf for me.. Or just be a good friend and wait until they break up.. What should I do? Also.. We have nicknames for each other and he always snds me picss (Nothin Nasty) &' I'll send him sum b/c he said he likes my face n my body.. But he'd take either one I snd him.. He's REALLY sweet too..Comment/Answer, &&' I can answer yours..

Hope-shattering friendship breakup?

I'm beginning to feel as if a lasting friendship is impossible for me to find. After making mistakes with one person, there was no turning back and I had to let them go. Now, I'm officially friendless again. My worry is that I won't find another friend as nice and forgiving, and if they leave me it will be over superficial reasons. This one person was a rarity, but sadly the friendship ended after five months. I'm looking for a friend that will last a lifetime. At this point, I'm beginning to lose hope that I ever will. Any advice? I'm also feeling a hostility towards God right now.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How to open several data files in Fortran90?

Unless the files have something sequential in the names (like 001.txt, 002.txt, etc.) you can't really. You could have data or a constant with the names, but you wouldn't gain much by doing it a loop. (If you can generate the names, just generate the name based on a loop counter, open the file, loop.)

Out of control chest acne?

no its not a problem you may have gotten really stressed lately or might have used a new cream that didn't react well with your skin type.its perfectly normal talk to your mom or doctor and see if you can get a prescription.

Rebuilding an old car - RWD/AWD?

If you are rebuilding an old car with rear wheel drive (like a Nova or Caprice) is it possible to convert it to all wheel drive?

What is the difference between a PvE realm and a PvP realm?

I know there's alot of people that have already asked this question, but they asked them 3 years ago so its not up-to-date. So to get to the point I met these really cool guys in a dungeon and I want to transfer from my PvP server (Altar of Storms) to their PvE server (Aerie Peak<---I think) and I was wondering if there was an actual difference between PvP and PvE. Not like the type of people there, but a difference like 'can you still dual each other' and cool stuff like that. Are the drops better or worse? Please don't write down something like 'people in PvP realms own' because I already know that!!! I'm a pally and I got completely ownd by a same lvl priest, it was plesant... So please answer and if you do then thankyou ;)

Help me with sauteing chicken?

I have frozen chicken and i want to saute i have to thaw it before putting it in the pan? if so how do i thaw it right?

Where to find the source code of _IO_putc_unlocked (c, _IO_stdout); ?

I was browsing for the source code of printf() from glibc ( ) and in the file printf.c I discovered printf uses putc to print characters on screen, well, I checked the source code of putc in putc.c and found out it uses some strange function _IO_putc_unlocked (c, _IO_stdout); but I can't seem to find the source code for this function. Could anyone please tell me where to find this so I can finally understand the ultimate inner workings of printf?

Was this a little mean of the teachers?

Today me and two of my friends were walking across the school playground and we were all waring scarves because it was freezing cold, as we live in England where it is nearly always cold. This teacher came up to us and said 'Take of those scarves, or we will confie them!', probably because we have ofstead in. But that's really out of order of them in my opinion. I know I'm over reacting but I think this a little stupid in my opinion. Remember, I live in England, very cold!

How is my workout routine?

looks solid, a bit long.... The best workouts are short and to the point that really get your heart up and sweating like 45 mins but anyways on friday throw in another 20-40 mins of cardio

Characteristics of Deception?

What are the most predominant signs of deception, in terms of body language and vocal cues? If you had to pick a couple of signs as a litmus test, what would they be and why?

Shisha??????? am i stupid??

hey guys!!! ok, i got a shisha but im not sure how to use it right...sometimes it tastes good, but mostly just too heavy...plzhelp

Is anyone in the pregnancy forum due this month?

I am now 36 weeks! Im due May 31st, but have a csection scheduled for May 24th! Just wondering how you ladies are feeling? My son has dropped significantly this past week and Im feeling pretty sore down below. Im waddling slightly now, lol. Also, some irregular contractions here and there, but not dilated at all yet.

Can I get into Holy Cross?! Apply as junior?

I'd say youd have a good shot of getting in...but they won't take an application from you until you're a senior. Colleges don't take applications a year early. You'll have to wait until you're a senior to apply for the college.

Is a 75litre aqua one 510 big enough ?

hi ive just set up another tank its an aqua one 510 75litre ive have got pebbles and a few fake plants and some hidins and want to add an axolotl would that tank size be big enough for him to roam as im getting a full sized one not a baby

What reagents are necessary for a PCR reaction?

You need your primers, your dsDNA that you want to copy, Taq Polymerase to make the copies, and heat. Viola, you have your copies (with a bit more work but you get the idea lol)

Anyways to increase my MTU settings for xBox live without being able to access the router?

Basically I am on college campus and have manually changed the settings off my xbox to the same as my laptop and bridged the connections. How can I increase the MTU settings?

How do some t-shirt companies manage to use licensed characters?

Let's say you go to a mom and pop t-shirt store and find a Garfield t-shirt, but it wasn't made by the people who make Garfield. How do the t-shirt manufacturers get the license? There are countless other characters on t-shirts everywhere: Snoopy, Disney characters (on non-Disney brand t-shirts), Scooby Doo. There has to be a method for getting an authorization to create merchandise with these characters. If you can point me to the right direction please do...

Moving an approved I-130 to a diffrent category

Good morning, I have a question: my husband (Mexican) had an I-130 petition filled by his mother (permanent resident) in 1998. My husband was single. The petition was approved in 1999. My husband's mother obtained her citizenship in 2006. We did not move the petition to a different category because it would not helped us anyway (backlog for Mexicans). Now we got married and we want to apply for adjustment of status by moving the approved I-130 form the category "unmarried child of permanent resident" to category "married child of US citizen". Is it possible to do it? I have been legal in this country (J-1), my husband is a beneficiary of 245(i). Thank you for you input.

What spelling do you like/think looks best?

I like Kaycie. You could spell it that way with a "c," too. Casey seems too plain, and it's getting more popular to use alternative spellings for clic names anyway.

What are the best fantasy books to read?

I've been reading a lot of Robert E Howard recently and, with the exception of Tolkien of course, every other fantasy book I try seems to be tepid and dull by comparison.

Vertigo, headache, intermittent limb numbness?

28 year old female. I have been experiencing rather persistent vertigo for 36 hours now. Heck of a headache just kicked in two hours ago. Nausea accompanying vertigo. Also, for past 6 weeks have had intermittent numbness in my limbs. I have Raynauld's phenomenon so I didn't put too much thought into it. No pressure in my ears/head. No pain, hearing loss, vision defects. Just constant spinning, this headache, nausea and limbs that are sometimes going numb. Dramamine may have helped; not sure as it knocks me out as soon as I take it. I do not have insurance at this point so I do not want to go to the doctor for something that is transient and not that big of a deal. I just don't know if these symptoms, together or single, warrant a doctor's visit.

Are the plug-ins too strong, possibly?

Well if she was standing in front of them smelling delibratly then i would say just a change of smell is causing it. If she goes on to sneeze later on then i would say they are too strong. My dog does that too sometimes when we spray airfreshner like glade or febreeze. if she is in the room at the same time, she will sneeze and go hide her face. But if she comes in the room right after i spray she is fine. Maybe the dog was just trying to figure out what the smell was and why the wall smelled different and it tickled her nose. I wouldnt worry about it too much unless it continues.

Is Mie, from the "Clique" book series, SUPPOSED to be a horrendous, shallow little "b-word"?

Yes, Mie is a little brat. I only read about the first 6 books or so in the series, and have not read the one you are talking about. However, when I was younger and read the books, I honestly found them to be fun. Hey were just mindless entertainment. And, really, nobody in the book even likes Mie. While everybody looks up to her because she is rich and powerful, I do not think her friends even actually like her. I do not think the books are realistic, although I am not rich enough to know, but there is just something fun about them. Mie is mostly just a character who people love to hate.

If you were a bird.....?

i would be a raven...very intelligent birds indeed...i would live in the trees in my back yard where the food is plenty...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where can I find a yoyo that has auto return and lights up?

My niece turns 4 next month and she wants a yoyo that has auto return and lights up. I easily found ones that do one or the other, but not both. Is there anyone out there that can help me? PLEASE?

Looking for Batman artwork?

a href="§ion=&q=batman" rel="nofollow"§io…/a

Earwigs; safe to spray lawn to rid insects?

i have been seeing alot of earwigs in my yard this summer and some make their way into the house, I kill at least 2 a day in the house. They are so annoying! I have a 10 month old baby that rolls around in the house and a 6 yr old that plays/rolls around outside the house (lawn). Is it safe to spray?

How would you explain the success of Disney?

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is not a Disney invention. Victor Hugo actually wrote that and Disney copied it. Walt Disney was able to see the future, and used television to promote his projects as advertising by using Television, when most major film studios did not. And he developed camera usage not known by studios as a pioneer in the field of animation. i.e. the Multi-Plane Camera

What do you get from this poem I wrote?

yes it's telling you to open your eyes and see whats in front of you and don't ignore no matter what you had no choice to see it for whats it really is

Schecter hellraiser????

My dad got me a black schecter hellraiser c1 fr brand new. Its a black finish. I want one in a black cherry. Will guitar center trade it in for me or what.

How to handle tantrums in public for a near 2 year old?

i'm not a parent but i was always like this when i was a toddler. my mom always first let me pick out a toy or something fun when we got to the store to carry around and keep me entertained while she was shopping. if it was something cheap, she would just buy it for me at the end but if it was something she didnt want to buy me she would have me say goodbye to it and put it back. even if he has a fit after you try to put it back, you'll be leaving the store anyways so you dont have to worry about the other customers getting annoyed for long. and also i would just like to say that i've been a nanny for 5 years and that one of the things ive noticed is that every kids develop at their own rate, i wouldnt worry about the comment that says that him not speaking yet isnt 'normal'. like i said, every kid progresses at their own rate. hell, einstein didnt even talk until he was 3! haha. hope this helped in some way!:)

Has Cindy McCain impressed you with her looks and elegance?

She is so...trendy, nothing out of place. Please i'm refering to her physical look and not character. I love the way she clic! She's beautiful.

Please help baby name for my daughter easy 10 points?

Would you like to name your baby after a celebrity, or do you think you are a celebrity for having a baby?

How do i get the security deposit if the landlord ignores my phone calls?

i moved out of my duplex i was renting 21 days ago. ive called the landlord several times to do a walk through. i left the lease in a drawer in tge kitchen for the walk thru so i dont have it in my posession. i left my washer and dryer there for them. i bought new stuff to replace theyre junk, i painted one of the rooms. they are ignoring my calls and any other contact. on the lease it states after 21 days without any contact or a list of things that need my security deposit to fix i get my full security deposit back. now what do i do? does this make sense? how do i get my full security deposit it im being ignored?

WImbledon- Audible Obscenity?

I don't know what she was saying it at, but she said, "D*mn, b***h!" You're right, Maria has said to the umpire "Are you f**king kidding me?!" before and she never got penalized. It's not right.

List of stage directions?

i believe u need to be a tad more precise with your question, what it is about stage directions. those listed r indeed stage direction although very precise ones for actors

Is Anorexia curable?

I know that it is treatable. Like, I know that people can go to rehab and gain weight and eat again. But, can someone who has an eating disorder ever have a normal relationship with food again? Can they ever truly feel comfortable with their bodies again?

I think a site is blocked, but i'm not sure?

If it is blocked a good way of cirventing it is to use a proxy server (google proxy) or typing in the ip of the website instead of the name (i.e. would be Go to a href="" rel="nofollow" to find the ip of virtually any website.

Making a Spell Caster deck?

good idea to drop down to as close to forty as possible, oh and you won't need to put 4 different rare high star level monsters in your deck, it will just cluster things up and intereupt your combos

Why did Reagan and congressional conservatives force Social Security and unemployment recipients to pay taxes?

on their benefits in 1984 while two per cent own most American wealth? And isn`t it time to get rid of these?a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Anime is going to die??!!!!?

I read in an Anime magazine that Anime is going to shambles because fans and fans watched dubbed episodes and download episodes of Anime from japan. Anime companies in Viz Media licenses Anime, but now its like they dont have to. What do you think? should people stop downloading Anime and manga chapter from japan, because it is illegal!

I think my brother may have a drinking problem?

It definitely seems that he has a problem. Maybe you should take him to a counselor or someone who can help him.

Why did he just stop contacting me?

Almost like a serious relationship, you feel that she crossed the line. That is, you feel as if she has cheated on you. Even two people that aren't together can have feelings for one another, so it's bound to hurt someone, one way or the other, when you begin seeing someone else before the healing period.

What do you think of Veil of Maya?

I have been a fan of Veil of Maya for quite some time.As I might lean more to Born Of Osiris of the two , Veil of maya is still awesome. I was truly impressed with their second release "[ID]" - Very technical ,and melodic yet kept that Veil Of Maya esque.

Why are Christians afraid of everything?

I swear all the atheist/agnostic friends I have had were easy-going, and fun to talk to and the Christians were boring and uninteresting to talk to...they just seemed to be fearful all the time. Like something was going to get them.

Top 20 boys names - your opinion?

Steer clear of the top names..don't name your baby something that everyone else is naming theirs. My top 2 boy names are Hayden Samuel and Mason Eli...but in the end he is your son so its all up to you.

How much will gamestop pay me for these ps2 games??

I have gta san andres and gta vice city, shadow the hedge hog, sonic mega collection, sims bustin out, and a few others about how much do you think they will pay me for them..Also I have a ps2..part of it is chipped/broke off (a small unimportant piece) how much do you think i can get for that. I know it wont be much but i am in need of cash fast.

Isosceles triangle problem.?

if there is an isosceles triangle and each side has a ray that bisects the opposite angle, is there a way of proving that the two legs are divided in half by the rays as well???

How far from the Sahara Hotel on strip to Downtown Fremont in Vegas?

Going to Vegas next week, and I would like to take a nice run from the Sahara hotel to Downtown, like Vegas Club area. How far is it, and what would be the best (and safest...I am female!) route? Thanks!

What should I do?

I have this friend that came to visit me and my husband. she was staying here for a week then she drop a big bombshell on me. She told me that the sight of me being with my husband makes her sick. and then a couple days later she says that she likes my husband. What should i do?

Should a person who says Jesus's teaching about marriage is wrong be called a Christian?

I think they can disagree with the Matthew qualification of what "marriage" should be and still be one who strives to follow Christ. No "Christian" has a full and perfect understanding of God's will pertaining to themselves...let alone the gay gays down the block.

Is Hamish Being Racist?

i must admit to using the word jock...but as i was in the army circle for a lot of time I picked it up there as every scotsman is jock this or that x

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Care to rate these boy names on my list?

If they are single names then I like Scott Arthur and Adrian. If its a first + middle name then i have to say none. Scott is a nice middle name like in One Tree Hill. (I think) Like Nathan Scott, Lucus Scott etc etc. I like the names Ryan/Brian Derrick and Kevin truthfully.

Allergies/Sinus infection/ Pneumonia?

Pneumonia can come at any time of the year. Since you suffer from allergies and it seems that you have a pro-active approach, perhaps a sinus infection or inflammation in bronchial tubes? Check with your Dr. as you may need an antibiotic to kick it! Best Wishes!

Boston restaurant intimate, romantic, with very private tables?

I am looking for the most intimate and particularly private restaurant in the Boston area. I have enjoyed Union Grille, Franklin Cafe, Tapeo, Douzo, Small Plates (In Cambridge). We both enjoy a good bottle of wine and high quality food with an edge. Any price just private and intimate (for Valentines Day, very important!!!)

A fun little poem--nothing heavy.?

I love your poem! Really conjures up the sight and smell and sound of a baby. Loved the line about leaking! Their less angelic side! LOL! You should try to submit this to some family type of magazine.Very good,brought a smile to my face!

Could anyone provide information about Taipei travel and Taipei hotels.?

My friend will go to Taiwan for sightseeing. Could anyone provide information about Taipei travel and Taipei hotels.

Is there an injunction against ohio smoking ban?

Ohio law bans smoking in all public buildings, except for private clubs such as the V.F.W., elks, & ect. and only if all employees are active members of the club & all employees must be smokers. When the v.f.w. has a fund raising dinner and the public is welcome than the smoking ban is back in affect

My mom promised me I could go to Bamboozle but now she's saying i can't go O.o?

well that depends are you responsible? do u respect your mother and do good things? do you think your mother thinks you deserve 2 go? the only way you could go is if she says there has to be a parent there or if u are really nice to her and listen well

Is there a Greek god or demigod with a yellow bird on his hat?

Salvador Dali refers to him in this video (2:21) he says that he's the incarnate of what sounds like " The Divine Aramess" and that he is synonimous in Greek with the coler blue. Who is this guy?

Why did God need to crucifiy himself to absolve us from our sins, if he could just use magic?

well............he was not god........he was a good person who lived his life with virtues and now he has the highest number of followers in the world..lucky one

In Ur Honest opinion, What should i do ?

i understand what u mean like it's really hard to like 2 guys and then he likes u back and saying that he will wait 4 u.. that makes it even harder. But uhm what i think u should do is maybe just stay with the 1 you have been 4 a year because you've been with him longer i mean that makes more sense the other 1 is just 3 months and when ur with a guy time just pes so and 3 months is not so much u can share with him. So like i would stay with the 1 of that u spent with the most time. But obviously if he does things u don't like & the other is just fine ur o k with everything then... stay with that 1 u'll be better off. But if things go wrong with the 1 of the 1 year c if u can go back with the 1 of 3 months.. does it make any sense lol ?

I'm due any day now and still no name...?

Some suggestions are: Riley, Piper, Parker, Harper, Kendra, Rory, Hayden, Aurora, Kenna, Casey, Sydney, Devin, Evanlyn, Evelyn, Keely, Anise, Brynn, Gwen, Breona, Daine, Keeva, Scarlett, Orla, Ciarra, Mackenzie, Leora, Alanna, Juniper, Peyton, Jocelyn, Brooke, Evanie, Dana, Samantha, and Cecily.

Does ABC stand for America's Bolshevik Cheerleaders?

President Emanuel and the rest of the Comrades must be impressed by Diane Sawyerberg's ability to turn the softest news story into a gun-control rant.

What was the original name of Gen. Hilario Camino Moncado?

The intestate estate proceedings for Hilario Camino Moncado is an active ongoing case in Br. 48 RTC, Bacolod City, Philippines. The case was transferred from Cebu where there were four first cousins who were declared heirs with finality. The current administratrix is Sylvia Moncada Asparen.

My one year old neutered male cat plays with our 4 week old male abandoned kitten?

Sounds like you're doing a spectacular job. It's great that you're supervising their play and you should probably continue to keep an eye on them until the kitten gets a little stronger, just to be safe. I doubt your older cat's behavior is aggressive. You would be able to tell if he was actually upset and trying to injure the kitten. More likely they are just play fighting and having fun. I haven't had two cats concurrently but it sounds a lot like playtime between my cat and dog. They're best friends but look like they're trying to kill each other when they play. It may look rough but if your cat was hurting the kitten the kitten would squeal and clearly express that it was in pain, letting your cat know to stop whatever he's doing. If the kitten was being hurt he also wouldn't come back to be further attacked. If your cats sleep together they obviously enjoy each others company, which is great. I'm glad the kitten seems to fit in so well as a member of your family. Thank you and your daughter for helping a stray. Best of luck with your kitten! :)

Are there any wildlife experts or vets out there that can help me?

I'm the one who wrote in yesterday asking for help with abandoned sparrows. Well, I got the nest down today and there were five babies , four of them which were old enough to fly away. But there was a little one who could fly only on the ground. He's too young to fly in the air yet. I'm feeding him moist kitty food like "bobbi f" said to do. I just want to know how often I have to feed it and how long it will be before it can actually fly away. I fed it a little bit and it ate. I hope he survives. I saved the nest and put him in it and put it in my cat carrier because I don't have a cage and I don't want my cats to bother it. What else should I do?

In UFC how long did Chuck Liddell hold his title?

He won the belt from Randy Couture on 4/16/05 and had it until 5/26/07, defending 4 times, before he got KO'd by Rampage.

At what point the turkey gobble become a more threatening noise than the roar of a dinosaur?

Or was it just because the lady turkeys found the softer side more appealing, and so it was advantageous to breeding?

Why are their so many movies that make college look like it is a big fun party ?

when all you usually have is home work every day and ignments that you get over whelmed with and study in most of your free time.

Where's the Tarzan online game I'm looking for?

It must have been either updated to Jungle Jump (as that's the only one I can find) or it has been removed and replaced with JJ.

Making silly putty!!!?

is there a way to make silly putty from elmers glue glitter glue and water???? an di dont want any crap about waater mixed with cornstarch!

Why some people say “Funny as a bus-turkey tone !” ?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I was wondering which car fender is bigger? ek or del sol both are Honda's?

They are not the same car. The del sol is based on the 92-95 civics. The EK is 96-00 civics. They are not interchangeable without modification. Overall they are similar in size, but the EK looks bigger.

Really need help with this chem question!!!?

If you mix equal molar quantities of HF (ka=7.2x10^-4) and KF (kb=1.4x10^-11) , the Ph of the resulting solution is ? i know the answer is 3.14 from mulitple choice question off an old test, but i dont know would you go about solving the problem. Thanks

Where online can I find a flowchart of where languages came from?

I need a flow chart (or even explanation, with source, if possible) of where languages evolved from. If you could you would be a life saver, thank you! :)

Babysitting Activities?

Im babysitting a nine year old girl tomorrow for nine hours (8-5) and need activities to fill the day. I can drive anywhere within reason and I live in north carlsbad california.

How do you like this so far?

The imagery was good but the syntax was confusing in places like the begging of the first paragraph "I watched through..."

Help Serious anime??????/?

well if you want a good anime i have watched a few you might like.there is Blood+ which is kind of horror but has some romance and Rurouni Kenshin which is featured when japan starts to modernize. there is romance but it is kind of subtle. the girl is in no way cute and bubbly she is a cute girl but runs a dojo. they are both worth checking out and i hope i helped. :)

Why do muslims want to continue to cause more and more trouble, just because the Nazi pope told the truth?

This mo-humid brainwashed bunch calls all who don't agree with them, dogs of infidels. But they are the ones who spread hatred and death. Their prophet mo-humid is a mere pimp of death and destruction, the beast foretold in the book of Revelations. .

Xbox 360 red ring of!?

What does it mean when 3 of the 4 lights flash red in the red ring of death? I heard that the number of lights that flash indicate what is wrong with the xbox. Is there anything I can do to remedy this before sending it off to Microsoft? I don't think it's overheating, though. I keep it out in the open and well ventilated.

Why do people ume that I didn't like Remember me because of Robert Pattison?

Twilight is garbage, but I think Pattinson may actually be the one actor that has a career after Twilight is over. He has some actual talent, unlike those other cardboard cutouts. Having said that, I never saw Remember Me, so I dunno if you are right or the fangirls that are attacking you are right.

What is the model of the stock radio on a 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP SE?

I have a 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP Special Edition and was wondering what the model number is on the stock radio? I am looking for information on this head-unit for possible stereo upgrade and installation of a Bluetooth kit. If you know any info off hand (wattage, additional inputs, etc) I wouldn't mind that either. Really need a model number so I can research this units specifications. Thanks !!!

Experienced Tarot reader could you help make sense of this please.?

I think to sum it all up you should see that it wont be an easy path for you to reach your destination but it will be worth the cost. It seems to be warning you of shortcomings in yourself you need to address before setting out on your journey. But it seems positive in saying your moving in the right direction. I hope this helps. I read them myself and have several decks. I've found them to be very helpful and adventuresome. God bless you.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Rich People & Native Fluency?

I'm not rich and I can speak 3 languages, it's about being exposed to the native language rather than money. But then again when you're rich you can travel more...

Bayern Fans: Are you sick of Lucio's antics?

We could've won today if it weren't for Lucio trying to be a midfielder or striker and drive the ball up the field when he could have ped it. Is it just me or is it time to get rid of Lucio?

Need help in determining a function.?

The second span of the Bluewater Bridge in Sarnia, Ontario, is supported by two parabolic arches. Each arch is set in concrete foundations that are on opposite sides of the St. Claire River. The feet of the arches are 281m apart. The top of each arch rises 71m above the river. Write a function to model the arch.

I need a movie that will blow my mind.?

a clockwork orange, erfly effect (one of my personal favorites), from hell, fear and loathing in las vegas, BOONDOCK SAINTS .... omg if you havent seen boondock, go to blockbuster right now.

What should you do if someone you live with might have ?

I am living with a bunch of students, and i think one of my housemates has . Every now and then she has a red bump on her upper lip and has scar tissue as if she was cut. We share cutlery. And i try to rinse whatever i use with hot water before using it but what should i do to prevent myself from catching it, and not be mean at the same time. And i dont think she knows she has .

Check out my deviantART!?

Like someone else said, you should try to mix up your subject matter more. And I would also start coloring them perhaps. Personally, they don't seem at all eye catching in any way, there is no creativity and like I said, no color.

Is leukonychia spots treatable or not treatable?

These white spots are very common, and are most often created due to trauma to the matrix. The injury to the matrix may not necessarily cause pain, however prevents the nail cells from flattening; in which case they retain the same whitish appearance as when in the matrix. Leukonychia spots normally grow out.

Why India is not a Super power?

I want believers of God to answer this question. We all know that India is the country with the majority of the population are believers of god.Great Budddha was born here,Lord Krishna,Rama were born here.Adhi shankara,Gurunanak,etc..and so many saints were born.Even today we have great saints and sadhus living in India.Inspite of this Gd belief and adoption of dharma,India is still the underdogs among the developed nations.We have highest poverty rate,highest illiteracy,very low per capita income,strong hold of athiesm among some sections of the society and so many contradictory things..Why so?

How do I get rid of someone in my life without hurting their feelings?

say you need some time to your self and then if she asks why say "I need some time to myself (over and over"...................................…

Should he go to the this staph or a spider bite?

My husband has had this for 4 days now. the location is on his upper thigh towards inside of the leg it started like a little pimple and he popped it, the next day it started to get red around it like a ring and it has been getting bigger and bigger, he squeezedit and a very small amount of white goop came out and its hurting him to where he can barely walk, it is now about a 6-8 inch wide circle, should i take him to the ER or is there something i can do for him here at home?

About how many letters of recommendation should one have to apply to good universities (UCs)?

I was thinking of getting one from my water polo coach, volunteer advisor, and i don't know who else or about how many looks good

A list of good books to read for a 13 yr old girl.?

I am a bookworm! I read a lot. I have read the twilight series and inkheart, but i like the books like the clique or those kinds of books. I have finished the clique books. so any suggestions????? I neeeedddd a book to read. Help me. I have read a lot of books, so have any suggestions? I havn't read the TTYL series, is it any good??? Help! Thank you for taking the time to answer it! :P

What is "Sanctity of Marriage" Anyways?

I know your not going to believe this but I'm going to say it anyway because its the truth to your answer. Marriage is an eternal principle but needs to be performed in the temple and practiced faithfully in mortality for it to still have the sealing promise in the life after, this marriage bond is eternal too meaning forever and ever and ever. Is it a sin to have while married outside the temple ordinance, nope, but the marriage ends in this life. If you read the bible it says this as well but thankfully the restored gospel has been brought back and now we know the full answer. Again i know your not going to believe this but I think you'll find out some day so I mind as well tell you. sorry if this offended you in any way seriously

Can air force 1-747 do mid air refueling?

When the government ordered AF-1 from Boeing they Requested that a refueling capability be added to the aircraft. They also put a larger Higher performance engine on the 747. It burns less fuel for a longer flight, This set up was so unique that Boeing has only released information about the air craft that would not present a security risk. the movie AF-1 shows all the common and know features about the normal 747 and AF-1. There are other features about the aircraft that remain clified. I ume once the retire AF-1 this information will be made public. I have a book (the History of AF-1) that talks about all the air craft that have been used for the presidents. the plans for this aircraft and details where all returned to the Air force Boeing no longer hold any information pertaining to AF-1 other then what is known for the 747 and what Boeing commonly services on their aircrafts. There where also modifications made once the aircraft was delivered to the military.

Can i take multi-vitamins over my supplements?

Save yourself and your kidneys by not taking the multi pack B.S> hype. There is a company that has the best multivitamin on the market. a href="" rel="nofollow" Good luck!!!!

Roswell UFO Incident????

Was anyone alive, or knows anything about this? Yes I know a UFO crashed and all that, but I am not form the USA so I don't know a lot about it all. :)

Did John McCain damage his foreign policy credibility by submitting Republican propaganda to the NYT?

The problem with propaganda is that it has to be yzed,as the Huffington post did. Most conservatives take the words of their leaders blindly. I doubt that many are grateful.

Biramous appendages vs uniramous appendages?

The appendages of arthropods may be either biramous or uniramous. A uniramous limb comprises a single series of segments attached end-to-end. A biramous limb, however, branches into two, and each branch consists of a series of segments attached end-to-end.

What's so "negative" about McCain's Obama-Britney-Paris ad?

Actually, there is nothing at all about that ad that should have all these people on this forum so upset. The two things it mentions are true....they are Obama's own statements. It says nothing at all derogatory about Obama. It does not "compare" him to anyone at all. Some people just get bent out of shape about anything.

Does Anyone know a Robert Boakes?

i dont know him but i will ask my dad cos we are all originally from kent and my dad is 49, so he might know him.

Possible to be pregnant when the test is negative?

You usually can't get a positive test until AFTER you miss your period. 2 weeks isn't long enough for you to even tell.

Arrests soar for young and ruthless?

My opinion. Better parenting. But then again, it's almost kids having kids that's starting this spike in juvenile crimes. The parents are too young to parent responsible enough for the kids to know their right and wrong. As well as the govt. stepping in on what is good and bad. I mean all of a sudden is a violent crime against children, yet speaking against this is lunacy? What the hell? I don't understand why we can't care for our children the ways our parents' did back in the day. I believe this would end a good portion of the problems we're facing.

What are the English lyrics to this Daddy Yankee song?

i can translate them if u want but its gonna take me a while n right now i dont feel like translatin if u want me to email me the lyrics n ill happily trnaslate them as fast n as acuarte as i can

Republicans, from this list, who would you nominate for president in 2012?

The silence from Republicans is deafening. I think they understand that none of the above list stands a chance against President Obama.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Quick Chek in NJ Roasted Tomato soup or Rustic tomoato soup does anyone have the recipe???

I went to quick chek yesterday and got their i think it was rustic tomato soup was creamy and made with sundried tomoatoes it was delicious does anyone have the recipe or know someone who works there that can get the recipe...please it was sooooo good.

When i was shaving my eyebrows i messed up?

i wouldnt ever consider shaving them. i wax and tweeze mine. they come out really well. every time. :) just ignore those girls please as if they know how you feel. one love haha

What do Psychological Anthropologists?

My professor was has psychological background he was a cultural anthropologist. In his studies of peoples in other lands he would preform psychological test on them like ink blots and other simple tests that psychologist use in studies.

Don't you think the people are degenerating?

I don't think that people are degenerating so much as society. society is in a pitiful state. One only has to turn on the TV to see that. People are only concerned with themselves and maybe 5 minutes into the future. Common courtesy is evaporating and the media celebrates decadence and rudeness. Look at the television programs. Reality shows of people "telling one another off". Younger people think, "Hey these semi-scripted shows should be a model for my behavior" and voila we have a nation of people with the mental and emotional capacity of perhaps a 10 year old. The media "pushes the envelope" to shock people just so they will tune in to see what the controversy is all about. You are totally right about the arts. The great painters and sculptors of old are gone and are replaced by talentless hacks who throw paint at a canvas or pile up scrap iron and call it "art". If you object to such obvious nonsense than you are "narrow-minded". We are inching toward lawlessness and barbarism. Maybe all of us "narrow minds" can get together in one state and build the worlds largest "narrow-minded" walled community.

Has 0bama/cronies been overexposed by the sycophantic puppy dog media?

Yes, if they spent as much time researching what the three stooges (Obama, Reid, Pelosi) really stood for as they have carrying their party line (blindly) the election would have been different.

What should I do for my 14th birthday party?

Ok so I'm turning 14 soon and I want to have a party. I've NEVER had a party with people that I actually invite. It's just been my family and the kids on my block. Well, all of my neighborhood friends moved and I wanted to have a party that would be fun for all of my friends to come to, but I can't think of one. I don't have a pool and neither does my community - so no pool. :( I don't think that some of the more public places are a good idea because we would probably get into trouble. My house is too small for a bunch of people too. The bouncy places sound juvenile to me. I really want to have a good party but don't have any bulletproof ideas. I've seen parties go downhill before and I don't want that happening to me.

Where can I get a dress like the Vivienne Westwood Bridal gown featured in the And The City movie?

My debs ball (like prom) is next month and I really want a dress similar to the wedding dress in the and the City movie. It doesn't have to be that exact dress but something similar. Any ideas?? This is the dress-

Pokemon fire red help plz?

the tem rocket peaple are at the top of that mountain that moltrace is at but what are they doing and how do i stop them and i sort of know that prof elf givs you a national pokedex but how do you get it.

What the name of this song ???!!! Help Me.?

i heard it in a movie "Chestnut Hero Of Central Park" (2004), please anyone help me, if u know the name of the song or any infos, some of the lyrics : "all i see is raindrops falling, don't see any moon light, all i see is darkness falling, i don't want to be here, and i don't want my time here without you"

ADDICT:Ladies, I need your opinion on this, Guys u think I need help?

um yes?! If you are like this than you should definitely seek some kind of consoling or help. Maybe talk to a shrink or something. Since like you said, the older you get the harder it will be to change this.

Is it a coincidence that the people that usually discriminate against others are Christians?

I think yes since DieHardChristians follow everyone ******* word which is written in Bible without using their own fkin heads. In Bible women are discriminated so I think its not a coincidence...

When do you feel most attractive?

When I just wake up in the morning looking like hell in my opinion, and my boyfriend looks into my eyes and tells me I'm beautiful.

She seems to have corrected her lying issues, but I still can't totally trust.?

My ex-fiance seems to really have learned from a series of lies, enough of a pattern that it forced me to cancel the wedding and call off the engagement six months ago. She has seen counseling, stopped communicating with her ex-boyfriend, and seems to have been honest with me on everything since the issues we had six months ago. All this is good, but I find my self still very guarded and concerned that her previous dishonesty issues coming back. She is beginning to get upset with me for not fully recommitting myself to her, and has basically told me she has done all the work and I am holding our relationship back and she may have to move on without me. I do love her, but I think I am just waiting for the next time she has another lying spree to cover up something. Will I ever get over this? Has anyone out there been through something similar and had success. Thoughts? I want to add this would have been the second marriage for both of us, and we both have three children from our previous marriages.

Occasional problem of my computer not recognizing double keystrokes - ie the second 'l' in fall. Reboot solves

Have you tried looking under the "Accessibility Options" menu in the Control Panel? I'm thinking somehow the FilterKeys option is getting turned on, as the default shortcut automatically activates this feature if you hold the shift key down for eight or so seconds. Head on into the Control Panel and disable those shortcuts... see if that helps.

Where can I find a person's parole officer?

You should follow up with your local police to make sure they are investigating your case, and tell them about your neighbor. Home burglaries where no one got hurt sometimes gather dust for a while at the PD because they are stretched too thin, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Keep pushing them. Especially if you are giving them a viable suspect they can catch quick, they may take notice. Parollees can be searched without a warrant, and if they find your stuff they can get the arrest right away.

What should i do? iMiss her alot..?

Me & my friend jenny havent tlked in a while & my friend eve asked jenny how *** we dont talk anymore & jenny said cuz she thinks it will be awkward & the reason she thinks that is cuz during winter break last yr, itld her that i like her. Then 'bout a month & a half ago, she liked sum1 and didnt wana tel me & isaid u cud tell me but it'll hurt. Basicaly iwas telling her that istil lik her. But ididnt no that me bringin up the subject that ilike her almost all the time aggrevated her. So ifeel lik sh*t now cuz b4 ikept bringin up the fact that i like her & stuf & it made her feel like sh*t cuz she didnt feel the same way (but she kinda did at 1point). Now we go 2 the same skool (we r in 10th grd) & we dnt see each other much & neither does eve & jenny but jenny txts eve & not me (jenny was inlove wif eve at 1point 4 awhile..) & we were really close b4 but evr since 9th grd, wen we didnt go 2 the same skool we havent tlked. iJus wana break the awkwardness between us & have us b friends again, imiss her alot

I'm looking for a movie title. ?

It's about hand-to-hand combat set on a space station i believe. there are robots, creatures and one human fighter. there is a machine that somehow equalizes the fighters abilities to make it a fair fight.

Question about really heavy period?

I am bleeding WAY to much. I had an appendectomy the other night and they sent me home yesterday, but now I am bleeding so heavy (from my period) and I am so dizzy I can barely make it to the bathroom and back without almost ping out. I can't really take tylenol (i have really bad cramps too) because it makes me sick. the hospital didn't give me painkillers after the surgery. I really don't know what to do. I feel like I am going to p out, and I am bleeding so heavy. I have NO color in my face at all. Should I go to the hospital or should I just wait it out and sleep?

Do you ever wake up and wonder....?

lol yeah, i've asked why me alot and i thought on more than one occasion how i would survive another you have anyone willing to take her (parent, brother/sister, bestfriend) for an afternoon so you can take a good nap and calm some nerves? have you tried teething tablets or motrin, my son didnt respond at all to tylenol when he is teething, but motrin worked for me. your husband might have to deal with some noise so she can talk and sing herself to bed, not a good habit to get her into by getting her if she is just babbling or are dealing w/ it right..? i think he could buy ear plugs if it bothered him that much...they work! you will make it through, but take any good help you can, like being able to get rest if someone takes her. rocking my son to sleep in the rocking chair helps too, he settle anywhere from 5-25mins... (ps, usually in my experience with my baby, this is a phase, it pes 1-4 weeks.. 4 at the most!)

Is it possible to run a gun with EMP?

Using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) system, would it be possible to fire a bullet from a typical handgun? I know about rail guns and I've heard about coil guns, but those aren't what I mean. I need to know if you could fire a standard pistol's bullet with an EMP-based system.

Obstetricain Question?

Obstetricians get all the training, and you can't opt out of it. That includes C-sections and abortions. No hospital is going to hire a doctor who doesn't want to do their job. How about picking another one, or maybe just being a nurse instead? They can't preform surgery.

Why wouldn't GM want to file chapter 11 and reorganize?

I don't understand why they would not jump on the opportunity to rid themselves of lopsided union contracts. To be able to have somewhat of a clean slate who seem rather beneficial to me. So why are they fighting this so much?

Between each pair of vertebrae in the spinal column is a cylindrical disc of cartilage. Typically, this disc h?

Between each pair of vertebrae in the spinal column is a cylindrical disc of cartilage. Typically, this disc has a radius of about 2.6 x 10-2 m and a thickness of about 1.4 x 10-3 m. The shear modulus of cartilage is 1.2 x 107 N/m2. Suppose a shearing force of magnitude 18 N is applied parallel to the top surface of the disc while the bottom surface remains fixed in place. How far does the top surface move relative to the bottom surface?

Table covers for my quinceanera?

I'm having my quinceanera in a few months, my mami & papi told me I've spent to much money & can't afford table cloths. My colors are red & silver. Should I buy the plastic party ones? The place is big, but I don't want it to seem like I can't afford table covers. Or do thrift stores sell the nice white table cloths? Please help

Any good bands that kinda sound like Breath Carolina, Kill Paradise, Blood on the Dancefloor, ect?

I mostly listen to , Kill Paradise, Blood on the Dancefloor, BrokeNCYDE, Deadmau5, Marianas Trench, and Mayday Parade... any suggestions?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Help with this question?

What is the name of the imaginary line 180 degrees east and west of the Prime Meridian where the date becomes one day earlier to the east of the line?

Men, even if you like a woman for more than purposes can you still be a bit full on?

in the initial courtship stages to compliment her? Perhaps with the awareness that she is not promiscuous and will say no so you can be a bit suggestive in any case? Is it possible that you can still care for a woman and be a bit ual towards her or does it always mean you want one thing and one thing alone?

What do you think is the best way to get to know someone?

, well if your nervous abt talkinng to him in persson ,* st write him thru facebook <33333333333 ' facebook always help , :) or get one of your friends or mutual friends to tell him how you feel ,

Is Adrian Beltre better defensively then Brooks Robinson?

Beltre is great defensively, but he'll never surp the human vacuum, Brooks Robinson. 16 straight gold gloves, Hall of Famer.. Beltre won't wind up in the HOF. Robinson is the best third baseman to ever play the game.

Should I file a police officer complaint?

I was near the UCI campus and it was after 10PM. I pulled into an Albertsons parking lot because I felt safer there. The police officer who pulled me over hared me and kept questioning why I would not pull over on a dark street, and also when I could not check my blind spot because of his bright lights. He haring me about it, saying "I was protecting you" over and over again. I felt very unsafe around him and right after he pulled me over, he asked for my license and registration, etc, which I gave. I then asked him why I was pulled over and he would not tell me. Instead he just asked me many times why I would not pull over and made it seem like I was trying to get away from him when I clearly was going no more than 15 mph. He would not accept the fact that I felt Albertsons was a safer place to pull over. I repeatedly asked him why he pulled me over but he would not respond and instead attacked me with the same questions. It took me more than 10 requests to find out why I was being pulled over, and he did not tell me directly. Instead, he demanded "Why didn't you stop before those speed bumps on Arroyo. There's a stop sign." It was rude and I felt hared because it was an open ended question and to my knowledge, I did stop at the stop sign. He did not yell at me, but I genuinely felt hared and unsafe. I was fully cooperative throughout the whole procedure and did not once raise my voice. I think I said the word "sorry" for 50% of my conversation with him because I was so nervous he would use some form of abuse other than verbal like I had read about in police brutality articles. I normally do not cry, but was in tears at the end of the ordeal. Is it worth filing a complaint about this.

Can you help me decide on a name for my baby boy?

Wow I love phoenix azriel! But they are all beautiful names.. Choose one that you can picture saying for the rest of your life.

So how do you think my fantasy team turned out?

Ben Sheets is Hurt, your pitching is weak but your Hitting will carry you, you will go about 500, 550.. you have alot of really good hitters, Doumit will be a great catcher this year, Atkins will get back on track this year also. Look to see if you can get a deal on pitching during the season, if their is a Pitcher slumping(Last year is was CC Sabathia) unload some of your hitting for an Ace

I woke up to an intense sensation?

Like I was so extremely hungry it hurt a little. My stomach felt like it was being wrung out like do a washcloth and it felt like something was working its way up my stomach like I was going to throw up. I was so hungry though it scared me, so I ate a bowl of cereal and that helped for a couple hours but then the sensation came back again. It was worse when laying down but not really any better while sitting up.I've never been that hungry in my life. I had good meals yesterday I don't understand and the feeling is coming back now. Any thoughts its extremely uncomfortable ;/

Fasting glucose blood test outcomes?

i am being tested tomorrow and i want to know how they determine whether you are hypoglycemic or have diabetes. how do they determine which you have?

Cel phone telemarketing?

Is it correct that cel phone numbers will go public, to telemarketing tomorrow? I've heard that if they call, I could be charged for the time on line.

Should i txt this girl or do it in person?

personally i would go in person, but if that's too hard, then fine, do it by text, it wont be as special though

If I stop washing my glans will it get unwrinkled and go back to normal?

The last week or so I have been washing my glans with soap when I take a shower. I noticed it was starting to get all wrinkly so I looked it up online and I found out your not supposed to wash your glans that often. If I stop washing it except for once in awhile will it get unwrinkled again and go back to normal? And if so how long will it take to go back to normal?

POOL:Why do you think that when.........?

Women don't just go in to do their business, they have to 'pretty up', ans slow the whole works down.....!!

Can anyone tell me all the names of J.R.R Tolkien's Books?

Well ive been very interested in The Hobbit, and the Lord of the Rings books (The Fellowship, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King). But i do know that there's books he wrote before those, so could anyone tell me the names of them and were i might be able to get them?

Now that Toyota has one a race, Can one win a championship?

Kyle Busch is in 1st Tony Steward in 8th and Brian Vickers in 9th. It looks good for Toyota now, but I don't know if he can keep that for the whole year.

What's the longest/largest pistol that shoots .380 acp available on the market?

I'm looking for a large pistol that shoots .380acp for my mother since she made an uneducated buy on a large quantity of .380 acp ammo and sold her ruger lcp since she wasn't happy with it and complained about recoil. Knowing that .380 acp is used for concealed carry guns, I don't have high hopes in what I'm looking for. Thanks for your help and if you can, please provide a link on the gun you may find that fits my descripsion.

I need a good camping backpack for $40 or less....?

I need to get a backpack that's durable, at least somewhat waterproof, and has a lot of space inside. I would like to stay inside the $40 price range, but if it's just super awesome for that extra $5 or so, recommend it. It definitely has to be from REI or 's because I don't live near any other sporting goods stores. And no I will not buy online, I like to see and feel before I buy.

So here is star of illuminati on israeli flag?

It is generally known as the "Star of David." You are free to call it whatever you wish. BTW, I connected several stars in the sky and got the same result. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Do you think it's cool if john cena and big show teamed up?

i know that is never going to happen but if it does dont they make a powerful tag team? i mean with john cena's submission hold STF and big show's right hand KO i thinj they are unbeatable? and one more thing which is the most important title in the WWE and why? thank u

Can you translate "Let your waves crash, Narumi" into japanese (written like english)?

I love bleach and started to make a charcter. but to release my zanpaku-tou i say "Let your waves crash, Narumi!" (my zanpaku-tou is a water based type like Kaien Shiba).

Double Major in English and Drama?

I am from Canada, I've been looking into pursuing a double major in English and drama. Right now the universities I am looking at are: McGill, Concordia, York, Acadia, Toronto, Queens and Bishop's. I clearly have to limit them down but what is your opinion on those university's English and drama programs?

Do you think Jindal will do the patriotic thing and stand for president next year?

I rate him as the only Republican (with national/worldwide recognition) who can appeal to those crucial swing voters to win the election in the first place and then to move the economy forward once in the old POTUS job (Obama's main failure, it seems).

What does swipe mean?

My little brother and cousin are both 10 but they play on a 12u AAU basketball team so they try to act way older. I heard them saying "I got swipe" and "you have no swipe" etc. They won't tell me what it means and neither will google. I'm pretty sure it's a basketball term meaning they can steal the ball good but I'm not sure because one time my brother said "yeah you do have swipe, no "

What's the deal with my Cordon Bleus ? My male has had a bald spot on the nape of his neck for months.?

The vet says he's fine. He sings and dances and courts the hen. It looks like he's going light. I've lost 2 hens one of which had also lost feathers in the same area. One fluffed up on the cage floor. I treated her as if she was egg bound with steam & heat. She recovered only to relaps 2 weeks later. I'm down to one pair and I really hate to loose another one. I feed millet spray, finch mix,boiled egg & brocclli. Should I add Exact to their water?

What does it mean when I see flashing lights in my peripheral vision for 20-30 minutes.?

I have looked this up and all I can find for answers is retinal detachment. I haven't had any symptoms since it happened other than a headache.

What after BFA in applied art ?

i want to know about the future options available to me after i finish my bfa in applied art from college of art , delhi. along with advertising.

Where can I get organic, animal-friendly eggs?

Get yourself 3 or 4 hens. They are no harder to take care of then a cat or dog, atleast they pay their way. If your local zoning will not allow this find a local farm where you can see how well the hen's are cared for. To find one ask at your local health food store, food coop, or farmers market.

Whats the deal with christians and the dinosaurs?

do they believe they existed? and if not, then what are all the fossils and skeletons that are in museums, like actual bones froma once living creature. and like crocodiles have been around for millions of years so were they just hovering around in existance on their own waiting and continuosly breeding like "holy crapgod, come on man,how much longer before we can oy know..... ....have a world to live in." and god was like "ha ha ha millions and millions of years....or maybe tomorow, who knows ha ha ha." how could dinosaurs not have existed when you can clearly see and touch parts of their body in museums.

Question about college loans!?

Don't forget, you can defer the loans if you go back to school, but not 'til you're actually attending.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What usualy comes on a regular engine block?

no such thing as a "regular" can get them from short [no heads] to long [block and head] to turn key [crate engine] look at summit racing,,,Jegs,,,and GM [Pace motors,or scruggins/y chev.]

Please suggest a place for fall foliage?

I live in Northern VA. For the past few years I have seen fall colors in shenandoah . I have heard that the fall colors are really spectacular in the north. Like they are really red in color. Can you please recommend me a place and a drive for the most popular drive. The north most point I wish to go is Boston. I know new england is spectacular but can someone recommend me something similar between DC and Boston that is equally good.

Am I Allowed to Bring My Child On Home Visits?

I am a LVN that does house visits to patients and takess my 6 year old son with me. These patients have diseases, wounds to bandage, and pets and sometimes some of the patients live in terrible conditions. Is this ok to do to bring him along for safety and health reasons? Could I get in trouble? What happens if he injures himself at the patient's house? Is it my company's fault or homeowner's fault??

How can Hellfire exist?

I was under the impression that fire required fuel, oxygen, and heat? Unless god has all of those stored in an alternate dimension that is in turn separate from both his realm and the physical world?

What zodiac sign is she?

friend asked me to post this question for him: i know this girl. i kinda like her. to other people she's complicated. funny, serious, idealistic in love, tries to avoid conflict, disappears when the argument starts, prefers to work at the background and sometimes in limelight from time to time, like things in order, hard working, opinionated, charming, sweet, doesn't like the crowd, dresses well, thoughtful, stubborn, ytical, smart, intelligent, can decide on major decisions but has a hard time deciding which dress to wear. what's her possible zodiac sign?

Help me name our clique?

We're not a clique, really...we're not shallow or materialistic. We're not the "popular" group, but we're admired. The best way to describe us is...tricky. We're the daredevils of our school, the mavericks, the ones who are always pulling tricks or sneaking out. Most high school girls go to the mall- we rock climb. We aren't the cl clowns, and not the ones who s their teachers, we're just the ones who get a thrill from a little danger. We'd like to call ourselves something with far I've thought of the Mavericks- maybe Mavs for short. Or the Ladies Errant (a play off the term "knight errant"). Any other ideas?

What distance from the proton is the speed of the electron instantaneously equal to 5 times the initial value?

An electron is projected with an initial speed of 2.6 x (10^5) m/s directly toward a proton that is fixed in place. If the electron is initially a great distance from the proton, at what distance from the proton is the speed of the electron instantaneously equal to 5 times the initial value?

Roadtrip from JHB to Cape Town?

Firstly thank you for taking the time to answering my question! South Africans ROCK! I am one of Africa's children an I am planning a road trip to Cape Town in December. I did one last year from CPT-Beaufort Wes-Kimberley-Rustenburg and I was wondering what is an alternative trip I can make this year. I was thinking Bloemfontein-Colesberg-somerset wes and then CPT. Any advice? Worth 10 PIONTS!

HEB Pina colada cake in San Antonio, TX?

I think different stores have different products. I have seen that cake at HEB in Harlingen. I thnk it was actually a king cake.

Can DMT kill you? If so how?

Can it? My friend told me his brothers friend smoked some and went into a coma. I also heard that is can kill you.

Can somebody give me a brief decription of the Ku Klux Klan.?

I'm doing a presentation on it in English and I really need to go through every aspect of it, but briefly! Please help :)

This should have been done years ago..?

hey this is great except we're stuggling here in canada too. we need you to buy our products like we buy yours.

Who is "teen mom" Maci's hot friend?

The past two or three episodes there has been a beautiful blond girl with big brown eyes that Maci has been talking to. WHO IS SHE? I MUST KNOW!

Which of these 2 laptops are best?

The first one (don't listen to those other answers about the hard drive, the first one has higher cpu clocks). By the way I recommend the customizing option for you. 160$ more and you can get a quad core i5 with the max speed of 3ghz. If you're gonna play games on it, you should get a better graphics card too (you won't be playing anything with that integrated gpu). You can gt 330 M just for 100$ more.

Dream of getting into a fight with a midget?

I had a dream a couple of days ago that has been bothering me… I was at school or somewhere, and we were in a gry field. There was a lot of people sitting down on the gr. Somehow I got into an argument with another girl sitting a couple of feet from me. Then I got really angry, and stood up and walked over to her. As I walked closer, she stood up. I noticed that she was a midget. I grew more confident because I thought I had more power than she did. As I got closer to her, I noticed that she got uglier. Finally when I reached her, she looked like a gremlin. Her teeth were small and spiky, and her eyes…they had so much hatred. A rush of fear ran through me. She told me to fight her, so I punched her on the head. Everyone that was in the field was watching. My hand just bounced off her forehead and it seemed like it didn’t affect her at all. Another rush of fear went through my body. Then the dream ended.

Why is my turtle shell soft?

Do you have a UV light?? If not you need need need one!!! That is probably the problem. If not you should consult your vet. Good luck!

The roots of my hair are staying oily?

i have tried washing it with dawn dishwashing liquid and a bar of soap and changed my shampoo what can i do i can blowdry my hair straight out of the shower and the roots are staying oily

Please read this and give me your honest opinions...?

it good but beware of grammar mistakes. and remember if you want to publish it, you will have to edit your story until you can edit no more

How to leash train a penned, outside dog? (revised)?

"The pen is filled with dirt" would mean your dogs live in filth. What about when it rains? Your dogs can get skin problems from living on wet ground.

Please help!! This is a really big problem to me?

im a 11 year old girl and my mustache is starting to get showy i hate it my auntie recognized it and said infront of the whole room that i need to shave it and I was embarresed!!!!! Well am i too young to shave it off? if not how can i shave it? at the salon or what?

What do guy think when they see provocatively dressed girls?

honestly, what goes through a guys head when they see a girl dress in a slinky dress or a tiny tank and miniskirt. When they stare at her or whatever what are they thinking?

Verizon PHONE HELP NEEDED!!!??!?!??!?!?

I lost my phone at my friends house and get it replaced becuase it was under insurance by Asurion. Now, 3-4 months later, I was at my frineds house and happend to find it. Is there anyway i can deactivate the phone i got from asurion and reactivate the lost/stolen one? I tried to activate old hardware on but it said the ESN can not be activated at this time, call customer service. I dont feel like waiting an hour to talk to someone and find out i cant recativate it becuase it was a phone from insurance company. Does anyone know whether it is possible to deactivate the old phone and get rid of the replaced phone?

Which works better: Enzo Milano or Le Angelique clipless curling irons?

I've been researching both and I want to know if there's anyone out there that's tried one or both. I've heard that Enzo isn't hot enough and I'm wondering if Le Angelique irons have the same problem. What do you think?

Sykes and Matza’s (1957) ‘techniques of neutralization?

The Neutralization Theory introduced by Sykes and Matza in 1957, facing the then prevailing criminological wisdom that offenders engage in crime because they adhere to an oppositional subcultural rule set that values law breaking and violence, rejected this perspective. Subsequent research revealed that the original formulation of the Sykes and Matza's theory explains only the behavior of "conventionally attached individuals" not those of "nonconventionally oriented individuals" such as "criminally embedded street offenders". Professor Volkan Topalli , at the Georgia State University, in his article The Seductive Nature of Autotelic Crime: How Neutralization Theory Serves as a Boundary Condition for Understanding Street Offending, explains that for those groups "guilt is not an issue at all because their crimes are not only considered acceptable, but attractive and desirable

Ramadan: Gay Marriage problem?

What's the question here? You're absolutely right. uming you are writing from the United States, it's spelled out right in the Constitution that church and state are to remain separate. There's really no stronger argument than this; what it boils down to is that the illegality of gay marriage is actually illegal itself.

Why does The United States of America have such strange laws, and are they still enforced?

There are many laws and ordinances as such that are still on old record books, but they are not enforced.

Can a cat blled out of its area?

Your cat probably has a parasite...either giardia or need to take a stool sample to the vet...they will give you the appropriate medicine...if you have other cats, it is very contagious.

Magellan 4200? or Garmin Nuvi?

im thinking of buying Magellan 4200. but i've heard Garmin Nuvi is really good. Can you guys tell me which one you prefer and the pros and cons of both of them? which one is faster loading? thanks!

What is the most genuine part of Tuscany?

I'm looking to travel to some town/city is Tuscany, but I don't want a place with a lot of tourists. I would like for it to be a town or city surrounded by gry hills and vineyards we all know - with good food of course. I wouldn't mind it being a small town, but not too small. Thanks for any help!

Help With Car Audio Upgrade?

id go with all stinger wiring and cap and on the amp if your wanting to get good sound and save money then go with an Hifonics Zeus ZXi200.2 and you would be good to go... if you have any questions feel free to shoot us an email!

Does anyone know any footwork or drills for Volleyball?

Any kind that has worked for you or your team will do. I just need some more new ideas. I work with High School students. Thank you very much....

What are the colors of ?

ok so theres colors for hippies(rainbow tye dye), theres color for jamaca and like rasta and pot smokers(green,yellow,red), theres also colors for different hollidays! but are there colors for ?

So this lama tried to make a move on me?

Ummm well this lama is like trying to make a move on me!!! I was just at the zoo with some friends and all the sudden this really y lama comes up to me and starts playing footsie... I just kinda walked away but then the lama got all sad....what do i do to regain this poor little lamas trust!!!

Are tongue piercings losing their popularity?

Is the tongue piercing fad coming to an end? It just seems less people are getting them these days.Maybe they have lost some of their coolness since so many have gotten them.What do you think?

Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm confused about my life?

i have been called ugly and dumb all my life and all of a sudden there are guys who call me pretty and say that they like me. there might have been one or two boys who liked me in school but now i'm sort of terrified by the onslaught of guys.maybe i'm supposed to enjoy this but this is turning out to be terrifying more than pleasurable because i have never been in the limelight for this before.i have always seemed to be a more tomboyish character who has been in control of situations but this is beyond me! HELP!!!!

Why do Americans have such ignorant hangups about race?

Racism is still alive and well unfortunately. Not all of us Americans are racist though. Some of us actively try to stop it. However people usually base their opinions on how they were raised, and America has had a 500 year history of racism and persecution. Most modern day racists don't believe their racist, or fail to understand the implications of how all those years effect current racial tensions.

DVD and computers question.?

its probably cuz the drive is old, or the lens needs cleaning, go to like Best Buy and ask for cd lens cleaners

NEED HELP? Which is better? Bobbi Brown and MAC?

like mac has like good colors and like the lipsticks like last when i go out to party and prep or like to a bar

I need some unique names!?

I love unique names like Coco, River and Salazar. Those are my favorite names ever!! What are some of the "weirdest" names you've ever heard?

What is the name of this song from Degri?

It's the song played at the party when Declean and Holly J hook up later that night. Sav is dj-ing to it. Its sung by a guy...and goes "break break break break it up, shake shake shake shake it up, we know you all too well".

Really need advice on friends abortion views?

I think you're being a great friend for supporting her through this. Is she seeing a counselor? It sounds like she needs to since she's having such a tough time with her decision.

I need to know if I can say this to my boss. (Long... sorry).?

It's either time to move closer to the job or to find a job closer to home. The commute is a big deal and your overall happiness in life is being adversely affected. Move on.

Where is the weapons trader in Fairfax gardens in fable 2?

I found out the great technique while searching on the internet to make money in fable 2. I buy weapons from the blacksmith and then sell them in Fairfax gardens. Unfortunately the second time i attempted this technique, he disappeared and I'm unable to sell these weapons, where is he and is there another place that i can sell them?

Can I get the following Herbs/Spices and pastes at a grocery store or at a special store?

Your grocery store may have some, but if you don't have a Wegman's or Whole Foods, you will probably need to go to an Indian store for some of the curry leaves, & cashew paste

How to tell male from female in Cherax depressus, crayfish species?

here is a picture im just after a way to tell male from female a href="" rel="nofollow"

Question about wireless networks?

I'm on a wireless network with 2 other wireless stations, with a 4th computer acting as the gateway with a router. Can the other people on the network accidentally view my internet activity w/out knowin anythin about hacking? I'd think not since we all have separate IP's, and it hasn't happen yet, just makin sure tho.

10 Points if you can answer this trivia question!?

Here is the trivia question. If you are familiar with the bottle of Elmer's Glue (the school glue and the ordinary glue etc) Who is Elmer?

I am 5'3 138 pounds?

Any kind of cardio will help you lose weight. I think that walking or running will help you lose more quickly than a gazelle and help to reduce your midsection better too. I would also do some type of pilates/ yoga to help strengthen your muscles, building muscles will help you lose more too! Good luck on reaching your goals!

The gauntlet?

does anyone think its messed up what happened on this past gauntlet w/big easy?i mean come on people,he was clearly hurt and in pain,not his fault,he couldnt go on any further or he prob would have died,his eyes were rollin in the back of his head and all that,and all his teammates could think about was how to get across the finish line,and some of them were even mad at him! this is someones life at steak here and half these people were acting as if he didnt even exist,to me that was very f*cked up!

How can I get some time to myself??

I'm staying with a family abroad, as an au pair, although i'm not getting paid. Anyway, the girl I'm looking after is almost 5 and is very demanding and time consuming. As she has no siblings, she looks to me for attention every second of the day whilst her parents are at work - from about 8:30 till 6:30. However, I really need some time to myself and she just won't allow it - except from her 'nap' in the afternoon. How can I encourage her to enjoy her own company?? I know that it is difficult for her because she has a new 'friend' now and is an only child... however, I feel stressed without any time to even think! Also, it's really difficult because she speaks French and I speak English - and although I can also speak French fairly well, she speaks very quicky and it's sometimes hard to understand her. Any advice? Thanks, I really need it.

Innocent Amanda? Or American BLINDNESS?!?

26 years is not enough. Do the crime, do the time. Hillary has much more important things to deal with instead of this twit.

Oh please don't hate me Travel > dubai..another question..?

I'd take the 1st because company accommodations are usually outside the city or in cheaper area where it is not convenient to see anything or go to entertainment facilities. But on the positive side if you don't have a car the company will provide a bus service, this is not available if you get a place of your own

Is it time David Moyes quit the job at Everton Football Club.....?

Everton are in an unfortunate position whereby they are unable to spend money which makes David Moyes's job allot harder ! However for what he has achieved with Everton hats off to him, think he is a quality manager who would love to have resources to be able to buy top cl players

Why do THE TROOPS support Obama?

Because if I were forced into 4 18 month deployments to Iraq I might not be so happy with the party in power.

Crank bros eggbeater or candy?

i was looking for some new clipless pedals for my mtb's and was wondering which were better? I kinda like the candy because they would be easier to ride on with normal shoes but they still have the 4 sided entry which is cool so i dont have to look down any more because i have clipless one side and platform on the other. i know eggbeaters are lighter but are they a better made pedal? and which would i go with? 4ti 2ti ti sl or c? money is kind of an issue but i dont mind spending more if i know they are worth the extra $

Are there cheaters in Team Fortress 2?

Some spies always manage to backstab, scouts kill people in 1-2 tergun shots, and engineers pwn with a simple shotgun... Are these players really good or do you think they're getting some outside istance?

What is the name of the song Kent Boyd dances with the other guy to on So You think you can Dance?

I LOVE the song those 2 guys dance to.. does anyone know what its called? It was Kent and Neils contemporary...

Fantasy baseball question trade?

Although Granderson is a great outfielder, Dan Haren is a better pitcher. He has been dominant so far, and Andre Ethier is an excellent fill-in, especially after his 3 homer game. (uming you start 3 outfielders)